The next step for your company’s growth

Focus on selling,
we set up the meetings

If you don’t have either the resources, knowledge or time for your entire sales process and to make it scalable, we are here to help! We set you up meetings with decision makers of potential clients so you only focus on closing the deals.
What We Do

Ready to scale?

Helping You Define Your Ideal Customer
Analyze The Market
Identify Sales Opportunities
Contact And Work Prospects
Schedule high qualified meetings with the right decision maker
Get ready for real results

how does it work?


• Profiling
• Defining ideal customer
• Pitch design
• Strategy (1-2 weeks)

launch and execution

• Prospection
campaigns launch
• Account working
• Appointment booking


• Results monitoring
• Pitch and campaigns adjustments
• Iteration


HPM Magic Funnel

Our process let us find the right lead for you. We will get you closer to your customer one step at the time.

Grow your sales and attract new customers.

Prospects targeted
Emails sent + Social media messages
Emails opened
Email responses
Sales meetings

Why Us

We understand your pain, we are a start up too
High qualified team with strong commercial skills
Unique insights
Worldwide Provider
We Develop A Solid And Professional Funnel So You Can Focus Closing Deals

We understand your pain, we are a start up too

High qualified team with strong commercial skills

Unique insights

Worldwide Provider

We Develop A Solid And Professional Funnel So You Can Focus Closing Deals


See what we do here with good passion

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